ABODA Qld is the peak professional organisation for orchestra and band conductors in Queensland.  Our mission statement is clearly stated within our logo:  ‘Empowering You to Make Better Music.’

We are an organisation that is managed by members, for the betterment of all ensemble directors.  We firmly believe that as a collaborative community, we are best able to assist conductors of all ages and experience to enhance the musical outcomes for our ensembles.  Engagement through quality musical experiences is what our ensemble members crave; it is our responsibility to assist each other in ensuring we meet this expectation to the best of our ability.

Musical engagement of our ensembles will enhance the musical engagement of our broader community.  As social beings, we want to share that which we enjoy!  Our ensembles promote the benefits of playing music together through their joy and participation, attracting audiences to witness the magic of communicating through music.  

ABODA Qld is a network.  A network of committed, energised, and passionate ensemble directors looking to spread the joy of music making.  We are here to facilitate the sharing of combined knowledge – we look forward to sharing in our combined experiences, no matter your situation or location. 

Reading Day 2024 website

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